There are different types of surgical scissors depending on the sizes, thicknesses and weights. These types include spring, serrated and mini. There is also a medicated medical surgical blade for more serious conditions. The spring type are the cheapest and most common. The serrated version is preferred by the pros because it helps cut through the paper.Have you ever thought about what could happen if you have bad surgical scissors? The chances are it could be really bad. You could cause injury or damage to someone's skin, hair, eyes or even their nerves. There are a lot of times when it is better to use good surgical scissors than to use bad ones. I have asked a lot of medical professionals what they recommend and they all seem to agree that bad surgical scissors are worse than no scissors at all. Of course it is always better to have a professional take care of your medical scissors when it comes to safety. I also like to know why they recommend the type of scissors that they do.We export these high quality surgical and medical equipment in USA and Latin USA.

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