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Surgical instruments are classified into three families: retractors, elevators, and clamps. Retractors are the most common tools used during surgery. They provide a grip on tissue and pull it backwards allowing access to the surgical site. Elevators are designed to lift organs or tissue from one place to another. Clamps close off blood flow from the area they are placed on which cause tissues to die off or become necrotic; this is called “bloodless” surgery.Not all surgical instruments are created equal. Some instruments, like retractors, have more use than others such as elevators. Clamps may be used for some procedures, but they do not work well with other procedures like elevators; so understanding what you need in your surgical toolkit is important before beginning your search for an instrument.Retractors are designed to provide a grip of tissue and pull it backwards. This can be used to remove tissue from a surgical site, for example, during a hysterectomy. Retractors range in size from large to small and are made of various materials including stainless steel, plastic, or rubber.Elevators are designed to lift organs or tissue from one place to another. Elevators come in many different shapes and sizes, but they all work the same way. They are typically lightweight and easily portable; they work with the hand muscles that help you hold your breath while lifting an object up with your arm straight out. The more force you exert when using an elevator, the longer it takes for the object to reach its destination.Clamps close off blood flow from the area they are placed on which cause tissues to die off or become necrotic; this is called “bloodless” surgery. Clamps come in different shapes and sizes as well; some have handles that allow them to be controlled more easily while others don't have handles at all.Retractors, elevators, and clamps all have their own specific uses during surgery. The most common retractor is the hemostat which uses a wooden handle with metal teeth at the end of it to grab tissue and pull it backwards. This allows surgeons to cut and excise tissue. These retractors are generally used by surgeons in the thoracic cavity or abdominal cavity.The elevator is a device that helps surgeons lift organs or tissue from one place to another. Almost all elevators use a screw mechanism to help lift tissue up into the body cavity, but there are some that use springs as well. We export these high quality surgical and medical equipment in USA and Latin USA.
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