Bone elevation surgery is a common procedure to correct a condition where the bones have become too short or are being crushed by the muscle. This can cause pain, numbness, and decreased function in the joint. These conditions require an immediate solution, which is why it’s important to choose the right type of bone elevators for your needs. Not all types of bone elevators are created equal, so choosing the best type for you is necessary before undergoing this procedure. To help you choose the best elevator for your needs, here is a review of some of the most common types: interosseous membrane bone elevators, intramedullary bone elevators, and external bone elevators. For more information and advice on what type of bone elevation surgery you should consider based on your condition, visit your doctor.Bone elevators are used to help relieve pain and restore function. They can be classified by how they lift the bones into alignment with the body's muscles, which improves the health of the joint. The interosseous membrane bone elevators lift bones that connect to the spinal cord and nerves.Intramedullary bone elevators lift bones from inside the body onto an external surface. These types of bone elevators are commonly used to replace a part or all of a fractured bone, such as a broken femur or humerus. External bone elevators are used either as an alternative or in place of an interosseous membrane bone elevator when there is no space available for one on an implantable device.Bone elevators are designed to support the weight of the patient’s body, which is why they are used for patients with osteoporosis, appendicitis, spinal cord injuries, and severe arthritis. This type of elevator is usually placed in the hip or knee joint area.Plateau screws are used to fix bone surfaces that are too short to be treated with a bone-sparing osteotomy (osteotomy). If you have a bone that is too short for an osteotomy, you need an alternative to your current treatment. Plateau screws are indicated when you want to fix the bone without surgery and allow the patient full range of motion. They can also be used in cases when other options are not available or even impossible. These screws can be used as long as they do not interfere with the healing process.We export these high quality surgical and medical equipment in USA and Latin USA.

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