An endodontic instrument is a specialized handpiece that's used to clean, shape, and straighten teeth. There are five types of endodontic instruments: hand instruments, files, probes, rotary nickel-titanium instrument and ultrasonic.Hand instruments: There are hand tools that have been used for many years to clean the root canal system of teeth. These instruments are often called “root-canal brushes or root canal razors.Files can be used to clean different surfaces inside the dental pulp in order to prepare them for root canal filling. The file has a long pointed end with a flat bottom. This filing action removes debris from the pulp and gets rid of any bacteria that could cause gum disease or tooth caries.Probes can be used for various purposes such as trimming infected tissue and removing target areas for tooth filling. The probes are usually made of plastic so that they don't damage the soft tissues of the mouth.The reason that endodontic instruments are used is because they are easier to use than hand instruments. Using them can also help you make dentures more secure. However, there are other reasons why it's important for dentists to use these tools.The main reason is that with the appropriate equipment and training, you can administer root canal treatment with an endodontic instrument. These tools are also very useful when preparing the root canal system for sealing so patients don't have pain from the filling process. Another benefit of endodontic instruments is that they can be used to create a permanent seal on teeth so patients do not have pain after their dental work.For example, if you are treating a patient with endodontic instruments, it's important to choose the right type of instrument. If you don't use the right type, you could damage the root canal system or cause pain and/or bleeding.To select an appropriate instrument, it's important to first understand what your root canal treatment will entail. There are different types of instruments for different procedures: wire-coated, fluted barbed or blunt instruments; depending on how much pressure is applied to the tissue during treatment; whether a hollow-blade or a semi-cylindrical toothpick is used; and whether or not there is any rotary movement during treatment.Another great way to figure out which type of instrument is most appropriate for your situation is by observing how each instrument performs in real life situations.We export these high quality surgical and medical equipment in USA and Latin USA.

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